
Longboard Sun, May 5 2:00 PM
Film Info
Release Year:2022
Film Runtime:108 minutes
Production Country:USA
Cast/Crew Info
Director:Meg Smaker
Social Media


Meg Smaker’s captivating and controversial documentary, formerly titled Jihad Rehab, follows a group of former Guantanamo Bay detainees who were held without a trial or charge for their associations with Al Qaida or the Taliban. After 15 years of detention, the US Government handed the men over to Saudi Arabia to undergo a ‘deradicalization’ program for terrorists in the world’s first rehabilitation center for extremists. Expertly crafted and featuring extraordinary access to the men as well as the Saudi center, the film examines the men’s personal histories and contemporary world views in a way that will both illuminate and provoke the film’s viewers. Debuting in competition at the Sundance Film Festival, the film has become a lightning rod on the international festival circuit and generated significant debate in the global press.


Director Meg Smaker will be in conversation at the screening.


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